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There’s no doubt that the global pandemic has had a significant impact on the world of recruitment, with working remotely becoming the new norm across a wide range of industries. Companies looking to recruit top talent face challenges unlike ever before to find experienced, reliable professionals and find creative ways to retain them.

In this edition of nSider, Jimmy Iannuzzi VP and General Manager at nTech speaks with industry leaders to discuss the top HR challenges and recruitment trends businesses are facing when it comes to finding top talent. 



COVID19’s Impact On Employment

The pandemic forced many businesses to downsize or close their doors permanently, resulting in a sharp increase in unemployment rates. But for companies that are still operating or have experienced rapid growth due to the pandemic are now faced with the challenge of finding recruitment solutions that work within the new remote working landscape. This is time-consuming since many candidates fail to show up for interviews or choose to go through the entire interview process only to decline an offer of employment. 

Moreover, companies that require candidates to work in an office environment due to security risks are now facing an increasing demand for 100% remote work roles. This makes the HR challenges harder to overcome. Jimmy Iannuzzi explains that

“...candidates now have the upper hand when it comes to the job market, and this means companies are continuously competing to outdo each other to attract prospects.”


Growing Workforce Trends to Look Out For

Since the beginning of the pandemic, workers have been demanding greater autonomy; this culture shift is making way for greater adoption of work from home, work from anywhere, and open innovation. Below we take a closer look at each category and how this should guide a business's recruitment process.  

1. Work From Home (WFH): Due to the global pandemic and widespread lockdowns, professionals became accustomed to working from home and since restrictions have been lifted, the desire to work from home has only become more prominent. Companies looking to secure top talent should consider offering 100% remote roles. This incentive can often be enough to attract more interest when it comes to recruitment. According to a report by The Muse, 53% of remote workers reported they were less stressed since working from home.

2. Work From Anywhere (WFA): Geographic boundaries that were once a hurdle to overcome are no longer an issue, thanks to the rise of WFA and reliable high-speed internet connections. As long as a candidate can gain access to online systems and software, some companies are now able to offer remote roles regardless of where the candidate chooses to live or travel. This type of policy also allows companies to open up their talent pool with the ability to hire anywhere.

3. Open Innovation: This category involves professionals who prefer to offer services, or gigs rather than commit to a regular 9 to 5 style of work. These individuals are no longer interested in permanent positions and will not accept payment per hour, but rather payment per service or project. These types of roles do not require a company to dictate or determine set working hours. This allows the professionals to choose when they prefer to work, giving them additional freedom and flexibility. 

“[Open Innovation] has accelerated since the beginning of the pandemic, and I believe it will continue to increase as we move forward,” said Deb Briffa Global Vice President at Kelly OCG. 

This uptake of contingent work can help those companies looking to expand and grow since they no longer need to hire a permanent member of staff but rather hire additional help when and only when they need it. 

If a business is looking to temporarily or seasonally fill jobs for a specific project or business demand, nTech Workforce can assist by providing a Staff Augmentation solution.


How To Overcome Supply Shortages in Talent

Some companies that once enjoyed a high retention rate are now struggling to keep employees happy and are forced to compete within a remote work landscape in which they have no prior experience. However, remote opportunities also enable those who would have never considered a role at an organization far away, to apply. 

Companies looking to increase their supply of candidates should consider more flexibility with available opportunities. Job requirements are meant to screen candidates, but are certain criteria causing qualified workers to look elsewhere? For instance, is a college degree necessary for a candidate with experience? Are you offering a competitive salary? Could the available role be made partial or fully remote? What perks or incentives could you offer in exchange for the right fit? Another recommendation would be for a business to consider offering a retention bonus to incentivize commitment to a role and minimize turnover. 

“ way we are combatting this is by ensuring we are getting candidates in the process quickly, we are making sure we are not setting the bar higher than needed, and of course ensuring that we are competing financially,” said veteran Talent Acquisition Leader, Allen Chilson. “For a few of our sites we’ve reviewed our job requirements and ensure that we are being more flexible in the screening process.” 

To overcome a talent deficit, especially when it comes to hiring certain professionals such as developers, you can consider shortening the interview process to save your business and candidates time. This also ensures that candidates remain engaged. 

If you'd like to reach more talent, nTech is here to help. We specialize in high-volume staffing that challenges us to lean into our process and specialty recruiting tests our grit. Contact a member of our team today for a free consultation.