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Becoming a Top Performer Starts with Exceeding Expectations

Becoming a Top Performer Starts with Exceeding Expectations

If you want to be a top performer, merely doing what is expected isn’t going to cut it. Acceptable performance isn’t going to help you stand out from your peers, either in your current role or as a candidate for a new position.

Instead, you need to consistently go above and beyond the call of duty. You can’t just meet expectations; you must aim to exceed expectations at work and do so regularly.

You don’t completely control your work environment or the nature of any expressed expectations set upon you. While some of this may seem out of your hands, there are things you can do to reach top performer levels. Whether you are a part of a contingent workforce or a permanent employee, here are some tips to get you started.

Help Create a Space for Success

Often, top performers are open to taking risks and are willing to voice their perspectives. However, that can be challenging if the work environment isn’t conducive to such expression or doesn’t support the necessary level of autonomy.

While you don’t have full control over the environment, you can do your part to create a space where creativity and innovation can flourish. Strive to avoid being a naysayer when others express their ideas and chime in with support when appropriate.

If you have an idea with potential, find an ideal moment to express it. For example, don’t bombard your manager in the hallway when they are late to a meeting or interrupt a coworker who is speaking. Instead, schedule a quick get-together with your supervisor or catch up with them when they have some downtime. By catching them at the right time, they may be more open to hearing you out, increasing the odds that they will view your contribution in a positive light.

Limit Distractions

Great ideas are often born during moments of reflection. Additionally, high-quality work typically requires concentration, something that may be hard to maintain in today’s busy work environments.

Between computer alerts, smartphone notifications, phone calls, and coworker conversations from the workstation, many professionals spend a significant amount of their day distracted. This can harm productivity and stymy creative thinking, predominately because they are incidentally pulled away by every notification, pop-up alert, ringing phone, or discussion in the area.

However, you can take steps to limit these distractions. For example, when you need to do detail-oriented work or solve a difficult problem, silence your notifications, turn off desktop alerts, and send calls to voicemail. If you have a workplace calendar, block out your time like you have an appointment, decreasing the odds that a coworker will assume you are available and stop by for a chat.

By limiting your distractions, you can increase your level of focus, improving the quality of your outputs while increasing productivity.

Collect Expertise

Most employees are surrounded by professionals with vast knowledge bases. By reaching out to those around you, you can tap into their expertise, giving you the ability to improve your level of competency and acquire new skills.

When you work collaboratively, look beyond your part of the equation. See what everyone else brings to the table and identify talents they possess. Then, reach out to those individuals and see if they are willing to share their wisdom. By taking advantage of these learning opportunities, you can become more effective in your role and acquire the knowledge necessary to outperform everyone’s expectations, even yours.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a top performer and exceeding expectations at work in your field, the professionals at nTech can help. Contact us to discuss your performance goals today and see how our expertise can benefit you.

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