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Why Past Finalists Are Key to a Forward-Thinking Sourcing Strategy

Why Past Finalists Are Key to a Forward-Thinking Sourcing Strategy

Every so often, you will reach the end of the candidate selection process only to find yourself with two job seekers with a ton of potential. Usually, it is hard to choose between them, even if it is required. Sometimes, the smallest things tip the scale in favor of one candidate, so that is who receives an offer. The other job seeker gets the disappointing call that they weren’t selected.

While it may seem like the story ends there, it doesn’t have to be the end for the second-place finisher. By engaging with them after this opportunity is no longer available, and remaining in contact over the coming weeks and months, you are nurturing a valuable part of your talent pool.

If you want to make sure your past finalists will be interested in future job openings with your company, here are some important engagement tips to follow as part of a forward-thinking sourcing strategy.


Be Gentle When You Deliver the News

When you list the second-place finisher knowing they weren’t chosen, it is normal for them to be disappointed. However, if you handle the process properly, you can increase the odds that they will consider you as an employer down the road.

Begin by calling them directly and letting them know that you were impressed with what they have to offer. Next, state that while you felt they were a good fit, you have decided to offer the role to another candidate. Then, ask them if they would be open to remaining in contact and hearing about new openings as they become available.

This approach not only allows you to provide feedback to the candidate but also may confirm their future interest. That way, if another vacancy that may suit them comes up, you can contact them directly and encourage them to apply.


Communicate Regularly

If you get permission to keep in contact with a past finalist, make sure to touch base on an ongoing basis. Send emails every few weeks to check in and see how they are doing, touching on any points they discussed during the interview that outline their plans (like pursuing a degree or earning a certification). You can also connect with them on social media and comment on professional posts or achievement announcements.

Mentioning new job openings is also wise, but only if they align with the person’s skills, experience, and career objectives. This ensures that the information you are providing remains relevant, increasing the odds that the candidate will stay engaged and not see your messages as spam.


Be Honest About the Future

While you may hope that you can keep the job seeker on deck for the long term, you don’t want to embellish the hiring timeline. If you aren’t sure when a suitable opportunity will become available, be honest with the candidate. That way, you aren’t leading them on or encouraging them to stall their careers on the off chance you can hire them down the road.


Use an Effective Forward-Thinking Sourcing Strategy With nTech

By following the tips above, you can make sure your past finalists remain in your talent pipeline, increasing the odds that a skilled professional who once interviewed for a role at your company would be happy to apply again.

If you would like more information about nurturing your talent pipeline, the staff at nTech can help. Contact us to speak to a knowledgeable member of our team today and see how our talent curation expertise can benefit you.

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