4 Traits Shared by Successful Tech Leaders
Effective leaders spur their teams onto excellence and improve company performance at the same time. They can naturally engage team members, and...
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2 min read
nTech Workforce
Jan 18, 2019 6:37:28 AM
Do your employees feel a connection to your business vision and how they contribute to the equation? Leaders need to motivate every employee to work towards common goals. Employees want to feel they are working towards meaningful objectives instead of working on repetitive tasks day in and day out.
Even the most hardworking teams may fail to achieve company goals if they are not aware of what the objectives are in the first place. Failure to share your company goals often results in employees who feel disengaged and disconnected at work. One study of companies with “clearly articulated public strategies” found only 29% of the company’s employees could correctly identify those strategies.
Below, we review concrete ideas you can use to share your vision and keep your employees on track:
Communicating clearly with employees helps them work confidently and independently towards achieving initiatives. Listening is as important – if not more so – than talking and you can gain valuable insights on what motivates your employees to perform better.
Encouraging team spirit helps every employee feel like a part of the organization. Identify team members who work well together and resolve hostile situations as soon as possible. Explain your vision in a way that includes employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders so everyone feels connected to the goal.
Honor employees who have achieved objectives and encourage them to share their success stories in pursuit of the company’s mission and vision. Doing this not only motivates other employees but also helps reinforce the mission and reveal proven ideas to overcome setbacks.
While sharing goals, curb the tendency to include high-sounding but meaningless jargon. Discuss specific outcomes and concrete plans for strategic goal attainment. To achieve the company vision, employees need to strongly identify with the company values.
By sharing your goals with your employees, you can harness individual strengths, skills, and talents while successfully achieving business objectives at the same time. When workers rally around a common vision, they help each other, contribute more to the business, and do their best to achieve common goals.
As leaders in IT staffing solutions and a certified Minority Business Enterprise, nTech Workforce provides skilled candidates for technical job roles who will align with your company’s vision for 2019. Contact us today for information on flexible staffing solutions for your requirements.
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